ASMOF Membership
The Australian Salaried Medical Officers' Federation is the Australian trade union representing salaried doctors. ASMOF's objectives are to promote the broad interests of salaried doctors in the following ways:
- Provide services to its members, including representation before industrial tribunals and in negotiations with employers; and
- Advocate the provision and development of quality health services.
ASMOF is a federation comprised of branches in all Australian states and territories. Membership includes all levels of medical practitioners - interns, residents, registrars, hospital specialists, consultants, medical academics, medical administrators and salaried doctors generally.
The Australian Council of Trade Unions recognises ASMOF as the principal union for salaried medical practitioners; ASMOF having affiliated with the ACTU in 1991.
Under this arrangement, membership is provided without further subscription cost to full time Hospital Medical Officers and Salaried Medical Officers who are financial members of AMA Victoria at 31 March each year. As with all registered unions, as an ASMOF member you may become liable for levies, outstanding fees and fines in accordance with its rules. The rules of ASMOF are available at
If you wish to resign from membership of ASMOF you must write to the Secretary, ASMOF Victorian Branch, c/o 293 Royal Parade Parkville, 3052.
Other AMA members may (if eligible) join ASMOF by contacting the union at the above address. However you may be required to pay a subscription fee.